How to Join the Hawks Group
Introduce Yourself
If you are interested in joining our club, it is recommended that you first
register at our Forum and introduce yourself to the group. We want to know who
you are, and that you actually understand what it is we do as a club. Sharing
your MSN Instant Messenger address is also necessary since it is the method by
which we communicate online and arrange battles (you will need to get one if
you don�t already). Load the EW mod and maps, join in some battles, and ask
for a Hawk Mentor if you wish. A Mentor can help you through the process,
step-by-step and even train you on the field. We also love to have guests
join us on the field in giant multi-player historical battles.
Trial by Combat
The next step to becoming a member of the Hawks group is to challenge a
Hawk and be victorious. This is called a Challenge Battle, and you may fight
as many as you wish, against many different Hawks, until you obtain your
victory. You should have already joined Hawks as a guest in many battles by now,
or have gone through the Mentoring process, and be ready for the Challenge. Though
we are first and foremost a friendly military gaming club, obtaining this Victory
shows that you are serious and diligent about joining. Persistent guests tend to make
active members. Once you have obtained this victory, write the Hawks Leader and inform
him of your wish to join the club.
Be Recommended
Once the initiation victory has been attained, and the Challenger has written to
the Leader, an e-mail will also be sent to the Hawks Leader from the defeated opponent.
In this letter, the defeated Hawk will either choose to give his Recommendation or not.
If he gives his Recommendation, and the Hawks Leader agrees, a Welcome Letter is sent.
The Welcome Letter
When a Challenger receives this letter, he may rest assured that he is now
officially a member of Hawks club and his name will soon appear on the Roster.
NOTE: Receiving the Recommendation is integral to joining the club. Nothing is
more annoying to members of the group than the petty quarrelling, bickering, accusations
of cheating and poor sportsmanship often seen displayed among "death-match" players at the
server. The Hawks are historical gamers who enjoy the sheer spectacle and exhilaration of
commanding huge armies in real-time epic conflagrations. We muse over our defeats while congratulating
the winners on jobs well done. We take our victories lightly, knowing that our next battle may see crushing
defeat. A Recommendation is therefore a personal assessment of character made possible by adequate observation
on the Forum, on MSN and most importantly, on the field of battle. Input from other Hawks may also influence
this decision.