Napoleonic Mod Movies


Vittoria (KingMelech SirWilliam & Axle v UK & Napoleon)

This was a great defence by the French (Blue: UK & Napoleon) The British (Red: King Melach, SirWilliam & Axle)launch into the attack on three fonts, from the west, North and East. From the start the French made the going tough, defending the bridges and halting the advance on the left flank by taking the heights. After a hard fought battle the British retreat and regroup on all fronts, but it is clear at this point, that the battle is lost.



Medellin (Drake & Git v SirWilliam & Axle)

This is a hard fought battle for the hill, where Spanish (Red: SirWilliam & Axle) start by advancing North towards the French positions, (Blue: Drake & Git) pull back their left flank to the west behind the hill, but stall the Spanish advance with cavalry attacks. The battle for the hill raged on and both sides take heavy losses from musket and cannon fire. After a bloody struggle for the hill French (Blue) win the field with some 400 troops remaining.



Albuera (Napoleon & KingMelach v SirWilliam & Axle)

This is a very close battle where French (Blue: Napoleon & KingMelach) start by crossing the Albuera river, towards the Allies positions. The Allies (Red: SirWilliam & Axle) prepare for the attack, which comes from the west and also the east near the town. Fierce fighting in the east draws Napoleon to move towards the rear of the allies line, but is halted before he is able to out manoeuvre Axles defending forces. After a bloody battle the allies scrape a very close victory.