Liberation of Germany 1813


Lutzen; (May 2, 1813)

Author: [HWK]Stu. An Allied army of Russians and Prussians has caught the rear-guard of Napoleons newly conscripted army, and army recently bolstered by raw recruits after losing tens of thousands in the Russian disaster. The allied army (green) is on the attack and the French (blue) have turned to face them. Though suffering from low moral, Napoleon's leadership is still a force to be reckoned with and French player must hold back the Allied attack to win. No up-grades and no map restrictions.



Bautzen; (May 23, 1813)

Author: [HWK]Stu. Another MC (multi-color) map, this battle features more beautiful landscape by Stu and great strategic topography. The French army (purple and blue) is on the attack against the defending Prussians (black) and Russians (green). Though the French have 1,000 more troops on this map to reflect historical numerical superiority, the defenders have a higher ratio of cavalry, a fact that kept the attacking French on their guard. The defensive positions are strong and it will take generals akin to Napoleon and Ney to throw the enemy back from his defenses and defeat him. No up-grades or map rules, French attack, read text in download before playing.