Battle of Trebbia, 17-19th June

(A map by [HWK]Foxhound)

The Battle

For a brief description of this battle, we lift a page from a historical source, The History of France

By Eyre Evans Crowe

Published 1837

Original from the University of Michigan

Digitized May 15, 2008


Note; The modern accepted English spelling of the Russian General here referred to as �Suwarrow� is now Suvarov.

For a more detailed account of this battle, units involved and the strategic movements of opposing commanders, please see the link at bottom;��������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������


The Map

A stunningly beautiful Italian landscape of rolling hills, peaceful villages, rich fields, vineyards and gentle streams is the setting for a vicious struggle that will see a superior allied force (green) of Russian and Austrian troops seek to force their way across the Trebbia River and destroy the French Republican army along with its large Polish contingent.

The Poles have crossed on the Allied right but are being seriously threatened by the closing Russian forces and nearby Cossacks. The Trebbia affords several crossing points, both shallows and bridges. The French contingent under Watrin is here put on a 10 minute delay to replicate historical events (circled yellow).

Allied Army (green) is on the attack. There are no map rules or objectives. No upgrades allowed.