Rules for The Russo-Swedish War of 1808-09



There are four battles to be fought in this campaign and the players may use a score card or play annihilation.The battles are to be fought in the following order:



       The Battle of Oravais - 14 September 1808

       The Battle of Virta Bro - 27 October 27 1808

       The Battle of Savar - 19 August 1809

       The Battle of Ratan - 20 August 1809



The Battle of Oravais - 14 September 1808



The Battle of Oravais is sometimes regarded as the turning point of the Finnish War: the last chance for Sweden to turn the war to her advantage. It was the bloodiest battle of the conflict, which some historians attribute to the exhaustion, resignation and desperation of the Swedish army: it was losing the war.


Russians (Green) are obligated to attack


The Battle of Virta Bro - 27 October 27 1808



During the late summer of 1808, the Swedish positions in Finland were under serious pressure. In September Adlercreutz with the main Swedish army lost the decisive battle of Oravais, forcing him into retreat north. In the east, Johan August Sandels had been defending the Toivala-front for three months, against almost daily Russian attacks and advances. Now, however, as the main army in the west was defeated, the lines of communication were threatened and Sandels saw himself forced to pull back north, not to end up in a Russian trap.


Russians (Green) are obligated to attack


The Battle of S�var - 19 August 1809



On August 17 the Swedish army disembarked their ships in Ratan. Later, the same day a small Russian detachment in Dj�kneboda was destroyed.


The Russian commander Lieutenant-General Nikolay Mikhailovich Kamensky was marching south when he learnt about the Swedish task force; he quickly wheeled around and marched north in order to face Wachtmeister's army before Wrede's arrived.


The Swedish force under Wachtmeister was delayed at S�var 20 km north of Ume�. The Russians attacked Wachtmeister's force in S�var at 07:30 August 19. The Russian force took possession of high ground immediately and the Swedes counterattacked the Russians uphill. A fierce battle broke out and despite the Swedes success in the fighting Wachtmeister ordered his forces to retreat back to Ratan.


Russians (Green) are obligated to attack


The Battle of Ratan - 20 August 1809



On August 20 Kamensky ordered his army to attack the Swedes in a delaying battle to secure the Russian supply wagons retreat north. This time Sweden had support from their artillery, not only the ground based, but also the cannons loaded on the Swedish fleet. Altogether, around 100 cannons were available for the Swedish army. The artillery barrage destroyed large parts of the village and its surroundings.


During the Battle of Ratan, Wachtmeister managed to defeat Kamensky, who afterwards retreated north towards Pite�. Shortly after, Swedish troops entered Ume�.


Russians (Green) are obligated to attack