Divided Nation Western
Theatre Battle Maps
Hindman's Prairie
Grove Campaign - Battle of Prairie Grove , (December 7th, 1862)
Author: [HWK]Stone;
This battle was to decide under whose control the north/west
area of Arkansas would fall, Union or Confederate. Though forced
marches, flanking and counter-flanking plus a steady defense by
rebel forces on some highground meant anything but a clear
victory for either side, the eventual withdraw of these same
Confederate forces meant that control of this area fell by
default to the Union.
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Grant's Vicksburg
Campaign - Battle of Champion Hill , (May 16th, 1863)
Author: [HWK]Stone;
Grant begins his push towards Vicksburg from Jackson.
The battle at Champion Hill, perhaps the pivotal battle of the
Vicksburg campaign, represented a Confederate attempt to attack
the Union supply train. But when the Confederate commander, John
C. Pemberton, realised his left flank was highly vulnerable he
pulled his forces into a defensive position near Champion Hill.
At 7am, the Union forces attacked. Here, a stand must be made.
The only other line of defence before Vicksburg is at Big Black
River……(Victory conditions apply.)
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Grant's Vicksburg
Campaign - Battle of Big Black River , (May 17th, 1863)
Author: Peter
Hoffman and [HWK]bud; Ulysses S Grant is pushing onwards towards
Vicksburg, the last battle at Champion hill sending the
Confederate forces into retreat. Now, a small Confederate force
is determined to hold back the Union so that more rebel forces
can escape the Union onslaught. The way to Vicksburg is blocked
by heavy fortifications protecting the railway bridge that
offers a secure line of retreat. Here, a final stand must be made, the
outcome of dire strategic importance to the Confederacy.
Map Information
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