Battlefield Terrain Tactics
A good tactician should study the map carefully, before engaging an
opponent in a major battle. Below is a list of key features that may appear on a map, which should be noted when
examining a map.
The High Ground
A good general will more often than not position units on high ground,
to give a longer field of fire to infantry and artillery and make an assault
harder for enemy troops.
Rivers and Steams
Placing troops behind rivers and streams will make an assault harder
for the enemy, if they are forced to ford a river or stream. Also artillery and concentrated infantry can lie in
wait, for such an attack at the fording points.
Towns and Buildings
Placing troops next to or inside buildings can give them a boost to moral
and can seriously hinder an enemy attack.
Trees and Woods
Thick woodland and bushes can be used to set up ambushes using various
units, and can also hinder a formation of unit's movement.