War of the Spanish Succession
The following battles have been researched and are detailed reconstructions of 17th Century, historical battles. The battle maps have been created for ACFB and can be downloaded by a right click on the map and select Save Target As, then click ok to download the zip file into my documents. The map can be unzipped to your main C:\Program Files\main AC or FB. The map may be viewed in the map editor, but do not save the map after viewing. The map may also be played in single player mode, but there will be no AI for the side assigned to the PC. These maps are best played over the Internet as a 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3 rated or none-rated game.
Author [HWK]Stu, Blenheim (FB Map) 1704 (War of Spanish Succesion). Called one the great battles of history, this showdown between the French/Bavarian forces (blue) and the Allied German, British and Austrian armies (red) was the masterpiece of co-operation between the famous Allied commanders, the Duke of Marlborough and Prince Eugene. Once a favorite AOW map by [HWK]bud it is now brought to us again, by [HWK]Stu this time for FB. One up-grade. Read all enclosed material.
Author [HWK]Stu, Ramillies (FB Map) 1706 (War of Spanish Succession). Marlborough and his Allied armies (red) followed up a brilliant victory at Blenheim with this battle in which a feint to a flank preceded a knock-out punch to the French (blue) center with massed cavalry (cavalry being giant percentages of both armies). Similarly, Master Map Maker Stu has followed up his map of Blenheim with his own "victory" in map creation, Ramillies. Red attacks, one-upgrade, read enclosed material.