Prairie Grove, December 7th, 1862

Map by [HWK]Stone




The battle was the deciding clash of arms that determined which side controlled the north/west area of Arkansas during the American Civil War.


On December 1, 1862, the Confederates began an offensive, under Maj. Gen. Thomas C. Hindman, to re-secure the north western part of Arkansas. Union Brig. Gen. James Blunt�s Kansas Division (6,000 troops) was positioned at Cane Hill, barely 35 miles from the north of the Confederate encampments along the Arkansas River. Here Blunt had bested Hindman�s rebel cavalry in a sharp engagement on 28 November. The Union�s Missouri Divisions (7,000 troops), under Brig. Gen. Francis Herron, were positioned over 100 miles to the north. Blunt called to Herron for support, realising that his advanced position was very exposed to attack. Herron raced his forces in a withering forced march down the Telegraph Road towards Fayetteville to link up with Blunt.


Hindman sought to destroy Herron and Blunts� divisions before they joined forces. Hindman placed his large force (12,000) between the two Union divisions, turning on Herron first and routing his cavalry. As Hindman pursued the cavalry, he met Herron�s infantry which pushed him back. The Rebels then established their line of battle on a wooded high ridge northeast of Prairie Grove Church. Herron brought his artillery across the Illinois River and initiated an artillery duel. The Union troops assaulted twice and were repulsed. The Confederates counterattacked, were halted by Union canister, and then moved forward again. Just when it looked as if the Rebel attack would roll up Herron�s troops, Blunt�s men assailed the Confederate left flank. As night came, neither side had won, but Hindman retreated to Van Buren. Hindman�s retreat left control of northwest Arkansas in the hands of his Union enemy.



The Map


This battle begins as Union commander Herron is about to launch his first attack on the Confederate line drawn up on the ridge overlooking Crawford�s Prairie (grey arrow). Frost�s Division, near the Prairie Grove Presbyterian Church at bottom, is placed to prevent an attack from the west by Blunt. The Union forces map right must initiate an infantry attack on the Confederate forces deployed in lines of battle on the ridge to the south of them (Shoup and Marmaduke). The Confederate forces must receive this attack and thereafter may launch attacks themselves.


There are no other map rules or objectives though the Union player (blue) is obligated to attack. No up-grades or building allowed.